One (admittedly fairly trivial) issue with me is a tax return query that I know I must sort out (there is also a bank matter, a pension matter and an insurance matter - it would be too embarassing to admit to how long I have been ignoring these!)
If I can tell myself I'm too busy I can put it off for a bit longer, but as my paperwork gets simplified - ie better organised - I am running out of excuses and will soon be forced to deal with it!
With something like a tax return this is probably a good thing - I think how good I will feel when I get to the other side of this. But what if it was an issue that threatened your wellbeing or your mental health? I can see that it might seem easier to concern yourself with the busyness and the clutter, than to face it.
'Reality is too much for some people' I read once. But Byron Katie says 'Reality is always much kinder than the stories we tell about it.'
Living simply is probably not for everyone......but I know it's for me, and if it means clearing my head by getting these nagging tasks done - then I'd better get on with them. Simply do it!