I'm having to re-think my life (again) as I'm not finding - make that 'taking' - enough time to paint. Painting is the reason I came to this part of the world, and built a studio, and I believe that my best painting was done at a time when I reduced all other commitments and concentrated on just staying home and painting.
Now I'm involved in committees, book groups, teaching drawing, writing two blogs, redesigning the garden, redecorating the house, writing the novel, trying to exercise, see family and friends and travel - 8 trips of one kind or another planned for this year!
And paint.
A beautiful life! I'm so fortunate to do so many things I love.
But I have definitely lost sight of the motto that served me so well for so long - PAINT FIRST.
Back to basics it is.
Are you good at prioritising, at finding a balance?