There is always confusion about when the twelfth day of Christmas is exactly, but someone pointed out it is when you have received your twelve drummers drumming (this one's for you Swiss Rose) from your true love - and you could hardly miss the racket - so that makes it the 5th. ie tomorrow.
But tomorrow I have a gallery owner coming to look at paintings, so I'm doing it today.
The house always looks very bare after taking the decorations down, and I always notice that it needs decorating. I say this every year, but don't decorate it. I disguise it with flowers instead! Wonderful tulips, daffodills, hyacinths move me forward....
How do you feel when the decorations get taken down and talk is of cold and cough cures, summer holidays, slimming diets, getting fit and broken resolutions?
It's a funny time of year.
How about I do a Marie Kondo post each week? Say Fridays?