I have just been listening to our First Minister telling us, yet again, to stay home, and to not even think of travelling.
Never has it been more important that our homes should be our sanctuaries - should comfort and sustain us and bring us joy. So I am continuing to think about how my home can help me through the pandemic....good progress has been made in 'putting my house in order' which is what I set out to do in the first lockdown, imagining that it might last a month or two.
Thanks to FlyLady (whom I heard about in the unlikely place of Leo Babauta's Zen Habits - which is like an ultra cool version of old fashioned Fly Lady) The house is clean. With Marie Kondo's help it's pretty uncluttered and organised. I was lucky enough to get some decorating done during the easing of lockdown, outside repairs are being done and the outside is being painted in the spring. So something positive has come out of this period.
I have flowers and candles, art upon the walls, heat and light and nothing to complain about, but what my home needs most is people in it, and that I can't have! Like all of us I am finding this tough.
So the next most important part of the 'we will get through this kit'; is undoubtedly video calls - Facebook, Zoom, WhatsApp.
I so enjoyed your comments yesterday - sausages and Sibelius, too much chocolate, slowing down and dressing up, and lipstick under the mask - thanks for sharing!
That Atlas of Great Britain makes it look like I am planning to travel! (It's an old photo...)