I think if a fairy godmother, or something, granted me one wish about my appearance I'd choose perfect skin. Or perfect teeth. (Do you know I actually spend time thinking about which I would choose! How time wasting is that.....)
A friend once told me her elderly Highland crofter father had plump rosy cheeks because he rubbed them hard with the towel every time he dried his face. I can do this! It might work ...(awful vision suddenly of ruddy, broken veined face requiring green foundation to look normal! I do like to frighten myself out of doing anything!)
I will try a gentle version of this. And protect my face from cold winds in winter and hot sunshine (blissful memory) in summer.
Enough about fitter - next posting 'live and let live'. Don't forget 'Life In A Cottage Garden' is on BBC 2 tonight, if you are reading this in UK. Do you garden in USA Julia?