I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings
Robert Louis Stevenson
Here are a number of random things...some happy, some less so..
Sitting on my sofa I have watched thirty of forty gannets diving for more than an hour - there must be a big shoal of fish out there, and swallows are swooping to the ledge at the top of the sitting room window - another nest I wonder?
Monday was a lovely gardening day although thunder rumbled and echoed around the mountains and glens all day, and by evening there was a great thunderstorm. The hotel was hit by lightning and set on fire, two neighbours' televisions blew up and one's phone was put out! Nature can be frightening...
She does have sales however, and from her sales I have bought tulip bulbs, solar lights, wonderful smelling Tomato Leaf Soap, napkins which although faded have worn well over ten years or so, water proof tissue paper which is lovely for wrapping gifts of flowers from the garden... see her site here. but be aware that when she says things are hardy or flower for six months she is talking of deepest Sussex....
'A Second Life' just came, and I'm off to read it now!