The Welsh poppy, meconopsis cambrica, is the earliest to flower and is yellow or orange - I grow the orange one with the forget me nots - a lively combination which is very welcome in late spring. They seed themselves around nicely, and grow well in light shade.
This is the longest flowering of the poppies in the garden - papaver rupifragum. A chance seedling, it sows itself in the gravel and produces endless flowers of a soft orange on tall wiry stems from late June to October. By chance it is growing next to a bronze carex, and looks very good beside it. It sowed itself right by our seats, but seems to stand up well to a bit of trampling....
Have you succeeded with these two other lovely poppies? Meconopsis Sheldonii, the famous blue poppy lasts two years at most with me, and although I had a whole border of Californian poppy, eschscholzia, in a previous garden, I just cannot get it to grow here - so, since I like to use my own photos on the blog - sorry, no photos!
..I think I'll simply be content with the 7 others that do well....