Still writing(!) but I need a change from 'The Novel', and so I'm sure, do you.
The sun shone for about half an hour the other day, so I read over all my Simply Grow postings and stirred myself to get the seed box from the cupboard and start planning what I will grow this year.
Very scented sweet peas. Gwendoline, Honeymoon and Matucana and one other - any suggestions? Matucana on lime green canes was lovely as you can see. I think I might do four wigwams this year in the cutting patch, with one type on each, and will paint the canes on each wigwam a different colour too, just for fun. I love those little sample pots of paint you can buy now for jobs like this.
Also - night scented stock and Shirley poppies all round the wigwams.
It makes me feel happy just thinking about it.
Much of the pleasure of gardening is in the armchair planning and the anticipation, don't you think?
..will bash on with the novel and not obsess too much about the word count - thank you for the helpful comments!