Here is my personal version of the poem God Says Yes To Me by Kaylin Haught. (Little is known about this American poet - I tried to get her consent and can only hope she takes this in the spirit of admiration I intended.)
I asked god if it was okay to be a bit of a bluestocking
and she said yes
I asked if it was okay to love silence and empty space
and she said it sure is
I asked her if I could really really like clothes
and sometimes wear nail polish
and she said sweetheart
she calls me that sometimes
she said you can do exactly
what you want to
Thank you god I said
And is it even okay if I swear at my computer just occasionally and can't keep up with my emails
Darling girl she said
Who knows where she got that from Maggie
What I'm telling you is
Yes Yes Yes
What would your version say?