The BBC, ITV, The Times, The Guardian and The Telegraph all reported that 36 wards out of 4,500 had 'failed the test' - The Telegraph went as far as headlining it 'NHS Shame'.
But, just a minute!
This means that 4,464 wards in England would be recommended by patients to their friends and families! Wow! Don't you think that's pretty impressive? (36 is 0.8% of 4,500.)
Let's hear it for the 4,464 wards that passed the test! Three cheers for the NHS and all who work in her! Well done! Congratulations doctors, nurses, cleaners, cooks, secretaries, managers, technicians, lab assistants....
It reminds me of the son of a friend, in his twenties, who, on visiting his mother in hospital, was astonished to find the place clean, efficient and friendly. He'd never been in hospital. He'd only read the papers.