My primary cheerleader Chris Baty (see Simply Write 31 Jan) has in his book a chapter to be read at the beginning of each of the four week's writing. The chapter for the first week (YAY!) is entitled Trumpets Blaring, Angels Singing, and Triumph on the Wind . Well, perhaps that's overstating it a bit, but I have managed 11,716 words much to my surprise and delight. Whether they are the right words....
'All the words I use in my stories can be found in the dictionary - it's just a question of arranging them into the right sentences.' said Somerset Maugham.
Baty's Week Two title is Storm Clouds, Plot Flashes, and the Return of Reality . Uh Oh. 'The storm will likely break in three or four days, exactly at the point when the novelty of the event starts to fade, and your book starts to get more demanding.'
It looks as though I'm going to need all the support I can get for Week Two, so if you're thinking of leaving an encouraging comment....I'd love it!
Meanwhile I hope you find the tips from the writers entertaining. Today's is my favourite:
'I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.' Douglas Adams
Here is one of the special places I've found to write. Seasons Coffee House is in Dunoon, on the seafront, and is attractive, clean, friendly and welcoming, has delicious home-made food, free trade tea and coffee and a view - what more could I ask?