The Tutor's First Assignment.
Write to me of Love, he said,
write to me of Love.
Of love, in love, love-fifteen.
Maternal love? Love of life, love of fast cars, of crochet, of comic books, or cupakes?
Love of nature, for the love of God!
Unrequited or quited, love eternal, love divine. Self love and the love that dare not speak its name.
Love-in-a-mist, love is all there is, All You Need Is Love, especially In A Cold Climate or In The Time Of Cholera.
Amo amas amat, amour, and how many words do the Inuit have for snow, or the Masai for brown? The Greeks have agape, philia, eros, storge and more. We have Love. Oh, and Luv, luv, then there's luurve..and that little heart thingy, as in I Love New York.
Free love (In The Afternoon) in a love triangle perhaps.
It has its downside, love: you can be love-sick, you can't buy it, it's sometimes blind and Love Hurts you know. You can love someone to death....and it's Labours can be Lost.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends, and have you tried to love your enemy?
There's the love them and leave them type, and the love-child, poor mite.
Love Me Tender and love my love handles, Make Love Not War, in A Summer of Love. Love is never enough they say, but don't forget:
Love Conquers All