..some autumn rituals, like making a wreath from the bines of the golden hop which gets cut to the ground each year about now.
It doesn't matter how wobbly your first shape is..
As you add more strands you can tug and tweak it into shape.
I try not to weave it too tightly.
The leaves will fall off as it dries and you can trim any ends later too (though I like it irregular and 'home made' looking! Best to dry it flat until the shape is firmed up, then you can decorate it for Christmas. One for me, three for gifts and one temporary one made from the leftovers to hang on the door for a week or two.
A lovely hour or so in nature with the sun on my back. So precious. So peaceful and so simple.
Do you have any autumn rituals? Or spring ones if you are living in the southern hemisphere?