You will have noticed how much mental evergy it takes to procrastinate. And energy is everything, isn't it.
Over and over I go considering the pros and cons of this way versus that way, now or later, the rights and the wrongs, the ifs and the buts, the shoulds and the coulds and the maybes..I'm worn out before I have taken any action at all. I fear I have become very indecisive in even in small matters. In fact mainly in small matters. (In a crisis I am very decisive and clear thinking. Plenty practice this year!) But day to day I muddle along, spending a lot of time thinking for examle about what order to do things in.
The other morning I got so bored with myself I decided to decide. I would make three very small decisions and carry them out. It felt good. I made three more - the energy began to flow. By the end of the morning I was sailing along enjoying being decisive.
When I want to be, I am still a decisive person!
It just takes that first decision - deciding to decide.