Out here in the sticks we have no landline phone, broadband is erratic - now you have it now you don't - and to get a mobile signal I have to go down the village to the end of the jetty, when the tide is out! But hey, the weather is fabulous.
BT have been making promises for three days now...
Mireille Guiliano's book French Women Don't Don't Get Fat has gone to the top of my favourite foodbook list because it is different and the most fun. See the list here. And for more Simply Eat posts check out March 2010 if you have time.
I am currently 'finding a new equilibrium', 'cultivating a new intuition' and 'manipulating how the five senses are meeting in what is put before me'
I told you it was different!
Do you have a favourite book about food? (Not necessarily a cookbook.)
To make you smile - spotted by my husband in York - a sign in a shop window which read
Everything Full Price! Today Only!
EXTRA! in case I can't post tomorrow...Have you seen this? Sounds like truly sustainable energy. Quite exciting.