Enjoying working my way through this list of words which I first came across on this blog.
Enjoying Leo Babauta's detailed description of an alternative way of publishing a book - the iterative process and crowdfunding. Fascinating.
Enjoying the anticipation of glorious spring colour with a little splurge on tulips from Sarah Raven -extra cheap as they are on final reduction! Vintage Silk, Formosa, Gentle Giants and Apricot Parrot. (It's not too late to plant them by the way - they are less prone to tulip fire if planted now, and even into December.)
Enjoying Lucille's Cold Turkey post. It reminds me of the charming invitation we received to my uncle's 90th birthday party, which included a photograph of him as a little boy, and at the end he added 'For God's sake no presents!'
Most of all enjoying your comments. I think it's just amazing to have these little exchanges with like-minded people from all over the globe popping up throughout the day - so I'd be delighted to know what you are enjoying today!