I grew dozens of pink campion from seed to plant in Coronation Wood - a little bit of woodland in the village that some of us look after, and was about to Google to see just what conditions suit them best.
But something made me stop.
Instead I made up a tray of coffee and biscuits, went into the study, lit the lamp and took down a few lovely books on wildflowers of Britain. (There are some gorgeous books of this type in bargain book shops.) I had a leisurely, peaceful browse for half an hour. No ads, no distracting links; when I went away and came back the book was still open at the same page and the text and photographs were on the same position on the page.
It was so enjoyable! I had quite forgotten how nice it could be.
There are photographs but....I've not had time to figure out how to post them yet.
Windows 10? It hasn't solved the problems I hoped it would....