Liking the feeling of fresh energy that is coming with this particular clear-headed, angst-free bout of decluttering of the stuff that was squirrelled away in the corners of the house. It was out of sight, but not out of mind and was weighing me down. I only realise that as I feel the lightness of getting rid of it.
I'm floating an inch or two above the ground now!
Kondo (see previous posts) talks of paring down to the volume that you can properly handle And I think how and why did I ever let it get beyond the volume I can properly handle?
How sane it is going to feel when I only have as much stuff as I can properly handle!
In most of the rooms, I absolutely love that I can go straight to an item I want from a shelf or cupboard and lift it without having to move anything else first. But what I did with the surplus when I organised the house like this, was to stuff it in the far corners 'just in case'. (I've been through all the just in case scenarios and decided I'll find solutions, if and when they happen, that don't involve keeping extra stuff..)
When family members come on Sunday there will be a box of nice surplus things with a Help Yourself sign on it, and anything not taken will go to the charity shop on Monday.
I do feel I am moving to a new level of Living Simply here which will free me up to Simply Live....
And you?