Theophrastus, born 371BC, seen here at Padua Botanical Garden. The 'Father of Botany'. I was lucky enough to be an Erasmus student, and while studying in Sweden, went on a trip, by coach, to Venice to study at the university there.
It was the first time in my life I had really felt like a European and when I came across this statue (in which he looks more like a religious figure than the Greek pholosopher he was) I was really quite thrilled - as if I had found a touchstone (I did touch his feet) which brought together all the threads of my art and landscape design studies, history, influences and inspirations.
I got onto this tack by Chris's comment about plant names. I love plant names. (I wrote a bit about why here.)
The Names Of Plants by D. Gledhill is one of my most used books.
Bit geeky, I know....