Of all the hard things in life throwing away old shoes shouldn't really rank highly. But I find it really really difficult!
The faded purple sandshoes. There's somethin.g very nice about faded sandshoes on a hot summer day in the garden or on the beach. Though I also have a faded grey pair. Maybe I'll keep the spotted laces
The slippers are pretty horrible and I was given money at Christmas for a new pair.
Apart from a pair of tan patent shoes with a silver buckle which I bought when I was about eighteen from Russell and Bromley no less, these lime green Fly shoes are my favoutite shoes ever. One of them has a big hole in the sole. I bought another pair but they are a very slightly duller green - they don't have that zing whch makes my heart sing when I look at them. There is an old fashioned cobbler in Byres Road - the kind of man who is interested in shoes - I might just ask him if anything can be done....
The little boots, ten or more years old, have been so useful. Or they were until they began letting in water. You could put them in the washing machine.
Even books are easier to part with than shoes!
What do you find hardest to let go of?