I am deliberately not just putting things back where they were before the rooms were painted. I can't quite explain the need for this - it has something to do with a shift in energy and the feeling I have had that I was getting way too comfortable in my comfort zone. I am missing the vitality that frequent visitors to the house seemed to bring, I have to create it some other way for now.
Here is what Andrew Marr said on a recent broadcast -
Humans need crowds, the wisdom of crowds, and the foolishness of crowds, and gatherings and hubub and parties and jostling and hugs.
I would have said I was someone who did not like crowds, but then I thought of the crush in the foyer of a concert hall before a performance - I love that, and the sense of communal anticipation. Or the buzz on the opening night of a new exhibition, the hum of conversation in my favourite restaurant, or our Christmas Tree parties with more than twenty of us crowded into our small house...
In preparation for the people I love being in my home again - let it not be too long a wait - I will fill the freezer with home cooked food. New recipes perhaps. A project. I do like a project!
Do you? Do you have one to help you through the autumn? And would you agree with Andrew Marr?