These crab apples are growing in a sheltered glen near us, and were being fed upon by fieldfares, which along with the redwings are arriving now from Scandinavia.
A few years ago, in a year when our neighbour's rowan tree was especially heavily laden with berries, we watched in amazement and delight as a very large flock of redwings descended on the tree, and proceeded to feast on the berries for about twenty minutes or so. They seemed to feed on the wing, not sitting on the branches, so the tree was a-flutter the whole time.
When they flew off there was not a berry to be seen, and our delight was somewhat tempered by the realisation that there was nothing left for our native blackbirds, thrushes and robins should the winter be a harsh one. It made me think of what it must be like when a swarm of locusts passes through.
Prettier than locusts, redwings..