Now you see it, now you don't
It's a disconcerting condition AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration).
It crept up on me slowly.
In a softly lit restaurant I picked up the menu and it was blank. Blank? I turned it over. Blank. I turned it back over and blinked once or twice, then I tried looking away and looking back again. Nothing. I tried harder (this has almost always worked in my life!). Nope.
By now my heart was thumping a bit. What was happening? I said 'I can't read this' to my husband and went to the loo (I could see the stairs) to take a few moments to compose myself and supress the panic that was rising.
When I went back upstairs Barry had moved to another table with a light directly above it and I picked up the menu and could read it! Touched by his thoughtfulness and relieved that I could see it again, my eyes welled up with tears and made it all blurry!!
I did get a meal eventually.
It was delicious. (Kember and Jones in Byres Road Glasgow)
(There is a short piece here about eye health and diet.)