I have found my word for 2017, which is supposing, to be really helpful on lots of occasions. Over the last few days it has given me headspace which I really needed.
I can get a bit anxious about financial matters at times but with a lot of filing to do I told myself Supposing I just filed it without engaging with each piece of paper? (eg thinking I need to query this/re-negotiate this/get a better deal on that/shouldn't have left this for so long/wish I hadn't gone for that....) I also said Supposing I just did 15 minutes at a time? My supposing question is usually followed by Whyever not? and I've now spent several hours quite contentedly dealing with a lot of piles of paperwork and thinned down the bulging filing cabinet considerably without getting stressed!
Decluttering my brain before Christmas is upon it!
Can you give yourself some headspace in preparation? And has your word for the year been helpful?