I have found that writing the blog is helping me to do that. One topic, and one aspect of that topic at a time. Simple. Slow. (Or at least slower than the rest of my life.)
While living abroad in a hot climate I began to teach myself to type - and quickly got bored with the repetetive bdb bdb kind of exercises and decided just to type what I happened to be thinking. Well, because I was a complete beginner, and therefore slow, and because of the heat which was just too much for me, I had to slow down my thinking too, and found this a very interesting experience. (My usual mode being multi tasking/superfast..) I found myself creating a kind of a diary, and having insights that I may not have had had I not been forced to slow down my racing thoughts.
So simple is not about back to the land and grow your own for me, or brown rice and sandals (actually I love brown rice). Neither is it trying to find some utopian existence, or nostalgic hankering after supposed good old days. Nor is it about saving the planet. (I'm a fairly confident person, but sorry, I think saving the planet is probably beyond me.)
It is also not about denying the richness, wonder and attraction of complexity, but that is another subject....
Someone once said 'Happiness is a clear mind'. That is what I am after. That clarity.
Living simply is a goal, something to attain, an attitude to be acquired, by using my rational mind.
next posting 'Simply Live?'