Some of you will know I'm about to embark (along with 4000 others apparently!) on Zoe Harcombe's 30 day blitz - a rather harsh name for what is actually a quite benign and natural way of eating and moving. See here. No counting calories, measuring portions, no sweaty noisy gyms, no junk - she is very outspoken about what constitutes junk food!
For me, sugar is not good. The trouble is sugar is in everything, even savoury things and the food industry is adding more and more all the time. It's very hard to avoid, but when I do avoid it I have more energy, no cravings, and feel clearer in my head as well as in mybody - functioning at optimum, effortlessly.
Sounds sane, don't you think?
I've decided that's worth making a little effort for.
Here's wishing you all a truly healthy summer!
PS Penny, have you finished up all the chocolate and biscuits in the house?