What do I mean by fitter? Well, I simply want to have boundless energy and strength, a lean toned body, no illnesses thank you, glowing skin, perfect teeth and glossy hair! It's a small ask! I've read all the books, watched all the videos, come across many inspiring people who managed it, so what's the problem?
The problem is I'm always definitely going to do it tomorrow!
My inspirations are Zoe Harcombe (I've lent her book out, must get it back quick), Dr David Servan-Schreiber, the New York City Ballet, and Leo Babatua. With help like this how can I fail?
The research is the easy bit, isn't it. Read lots of books and order the best ones. I don't even have the effort of going to buy them - click a few keys and the postman brings them to my door a couple of days later. Then I sit and read them in a warm cosy room, drink in hand, blog about how good they are - how insightful, how inspiring, how RIGHT they are in everything they say. Try their ideas out (in a small way, see how they suit). Just testing....no stress, (little effort). And put it off until tomorrow.
OK. The time has come to stop being such a wimp.