I met so many older people this weekend who are sad about not being able to keep up their gardens, that it strengthened my resolve to take action now.
It first occurred to me when I sat with a neighbour who was in her 90's, on her porch, looking out at her garden. She was sadly remembering how beautiful it had been when her husband was alive. I came home and sat on my own porch and thought 'I want to sit here when I am 92 and say - look how beautiful it is! - I am so glad I planted that, and that, and that all those years ago!'
So within the design that you see now when you look at my garden, lies another, hidden, long term garden of exquisite trees and shrubs which look their best as mature specimens. Three cornus controversa variegata (wedding cake trees), a robinia pseudoacacia 'Frisia', various desirable acers, viburnum plicatum 'Maresii' with its wonderful horizontal form, and pinus mugo. I'm about to add malus 'Golden Hornet' a crab apple with bright little orange fruits which will look fabulous beside the golden robinia and acer 'Orange Dream'
May I live so long........!