At one time I thought to simplify my gardening by only growing perennials, but then I would miss things like this gypsophila 'Covent Garden' and in front, Orlaya grandiflora....
and this Papaver somniferum 'Dark Plum' from Sarah Raven.
I love it against lime greens and other wines and purples.
And sweet peas! How could I garden without sweet peas?
This one is called Fire and Ice.
One of the things I like best about annuals is that you can try something different every year. I think I shall be growing them for some time yet..
And yes, I grow biennials too.
A warning! I should have known better than to prick out the forget-me-nots into home made compost.
Clearly our bins don't get hot enough to kill of seeds.. (we usually dig the compost into the cutting patch).
Sowing seeds in it was even more foolish. I have no idea what I've got here, but I don't think it's foxgloves - the two pots look suspiciously alike and germinated suspiciously close in time! They might even be something desirable as we don't put weeds in the bins....I might just wait and see....
but will also re-sow, in sterilised compost.