Keeping a journal, at its simplest, is about recording things that have happened. I believe many people write it at night before going to bed - a neat way of clearing your mind before sleep? Perhaps extra useful if you have difficulty getting to sleep.
Do any of you write this kind of journal and find it helpful?
Morning Pages devised by Julia Cameron and described in her book The Artists' Way is a kind of stream of consciousness approach to starting your day. I don't expect she was the first person to do it, but perhaps she was the first to give it this name.
It involves writing in longhand three pages of your unedited thoughts when you wake in the morning. Some years ago a friend and I worked through this interesting book together over twelve weeks, meeting once a week to discuss our progress. It was a very productive time.
I used Morning Pages regularly for some time. Now I find I use them only if I'm feeling a bit stressed.
I don't keep the pages. More clutter? No thanks! (Julia Cameron has twelve years' worth of them on her shelves!)
For me the value is in the doing of them....
(The background is Gudrun Sjoden's latest catalogue - for no other reason than the photographs are wonderful.)