To automate or not, that is the question. Whether 'tis wiser to use cash (pain) and consider every purchase or to use a card (pleasure) for the convenience and mindlessness of it....See the programme The Men Who Made Us Spend on BBC2 iPlayer here in UK. Amazing. Makes me think I'm living in a parallel universe!
One area to automate I think is savings. I make the decision once and the money is set aside every month (and ideally reviewed, and increased if possible even by a tiny bit, every year).
But direct debits are a bit 'out of sight, out of mind' aren't they? There are incentives for using them and they can help save us money by ensuring that we are never late for any payments which incur penalties, and they are indeed convenient and efficient, but they don't make for mindfulness about money.
What do you think?
For more arguments in favour of un-automating see this guest post on Zen Habits.
This is the elctricity meter and vase cupboard! I am certainly not minimalist when it comes to jugs, vases, jam jars and bottles and anything else which will hold flowers.
And these are only the ones which are not in use right now....