My vision varies.
It's hard to know why - there are so many variables. Light levels make a difference and I need a good light to read by. When I go from a light place into a darker place my eyes can be very slow to adjust. Screens can be difficult, and pale or coloured print. Oh, and I have cataracts. Thankfully most of the time I can see very well. (You can't drive when you can only see well some of the time, sadly, and I do miss my car a lot.) But yesterday I watched Wimbledon on my laptop. I could see the ball! So exciting!
I take a supplement called Macushield, drink freshly made juices every day - mainly carrot, apple and spinach adding cucumber, ginger, broccoli, kale, celery and other things for variety. I also check my vision on an Amsler Grid. Sometimes straight lines can look wavy and this can be, but is not always, a sign that dry AMD is changing to wet AMD which requires quite urgent treatment (and is pretty scary).
I do quite a bit of research online.
But I don't think about it all the time and no longer make notes every morning - only when I notice a change. I can't monitor everything in my life when I am busy living it, and looking at and rejoicing in sights like this -
Thank you for reading.