As I have recorded before, having been told there was no treatment and no cure for dry AMD but that eating brightly coloured fruits and vegetables might help, I decided to get as much brightly coloured fruits and vegetables into me as I could. To this end I went on a health retreat where I had freshly made juices three times a day and a vegetable soup once a day. After five days of this (which was really enjoyable and I was never hungry!) my pattern changed to this -
As you might imagine I could see more. Still patchy, but more.
I bought a juicer and made fresh juices every day.
After a time I realised that I was crossing the road more confidently, and noticed that I could make out what coins were in my purse, and was very surprised to find myself reading the tiny print on a tube of cream. I was even more surprised when I realised I did not have my glasses on.