Is there a place in yourc home that could do with a bit of a refresh? Maybe a shelf in the siitting room, or a corner of the bedroom? Or a table top in your entraneway.
Decide on a colour you love that will give you a lift and go around the house and into all the cupboards to find objects of that colour and make a little arrangement of them in their new space.
This surface in the sitting room has had the same things on it for years, and although I still like it, they say a change is as good as a rest and I think there is some truth in that..
I had not intended to chamge the painting until I remembered a series of green paintings I did when I was learning how to use Chinese brushes then I just had to add the red candle - a little bit of opposite colour always sparks joy, and it echoes my red 'chop' which I used on the chinese brush inspired paintings, and which reads 'still learning'.
What colour will you choose, and I wonder what you will find..