I was reminded of a bowl I saw years ago in the British Museum which stopped me in my tracks and I searched my (not well-catalogued) photographs to find it.
I felt such an affinity with, and admiration for, the artist who made this exquisite object, I was astonished at the date!
The hand-made has special qualities which we respond to at a deep level.
Much of the British Museum collections can be viewed online. I put in Quyang, Hebei BRitish Museum and 'my' bowl came up and I browsed and found many other pieces from this period, all of which look so incredibly modern. The wonders of the internet that I can look at this from a remote village in Scotland, and the wonder that I can also share it with you....Love it.
Do you have a favourite museum object that stayed in your memory?
There was also that little hippo (which is even older) from the Sainsbury Centre at UEA - that is online too!