I'm always amazed at the way people think up new ideas for earning money. Many street artists and entertainers now offer photo opportunities for all those smartphones....
In Trafalgar Square, if you chalk flags of the world on the slabs
and leave just enough space for visitors to step carefully in among them
they will leave a coin, or two, on the flag of their country while their friends take photographs of them!
Neat uh?
Or if you dress up as a well known character, you will quickly have an audience. You can then pose a member of your audience and take up the same posture yourself for a great photo opportunity (donations welcome...)
Or if crowds of people are regularly passing your front door, you can hang up your sign (it says 'donuts')
then pop a trolley across the open doorway and sell your home made donuts for £2.50 a time (they were delicious!)
Aren't people imaginative, and enterprising?
Who thinks them up?