I'm trying to garden a little as often as possible, regardless of the weather. Today four ten-minute tasks -
an ongoing job, a start and finish job, a rescue job and one I wanted to do.
Cutting back and removing moss is ongoing and soggy work (and endless!).
Also ongoing for a while anyway - I am planting 100 Thalia daffodils in pots of various sizes to interplant come spring with some already in the ground (so as not to damage the ones already in).
Selecting some of the nicer logs to stack on the front porch = just because I wanted to.
The start and finish job was to cut off the foliage from the clumps of crocosmia Lucifer. (That's the timer attached to the wheelbarrow at the top! Ten minutes only!)
The rescue task was to pick lots of nasturtiums which were hidden under the foliage.
And bring them in to dot around the house and enjoy in the darkening evenings.
Just a little, but satisfying.