I love the comments on this blog! I like that it's a conversation and exchange of ideas - interesting ones from interesting people. Thank you for that.
Guilt! With regard to clothes it's usually that we have spent quite a lot on something and hardly worn it. Evil? Immoral? Wicked? Criminal? No, we just had a splurge for whatever reason. We didn't let our children go hungry to buy it, or risk losing our home. We just splashed out a bit more than usual and now it is sitting there unworn.
We can
a) wear it again, altered perhaps (and practice chutzpah)
b) give it away so several people benefit (charity shop worker has a job, purchaser gets a bargain, end user of charity service gets help and we ourselves no longer feel guilt every time we see it
c) sell it on eBay or similar and buy something we will wear and enjoy wearing.
And I think we can forgive ourselves. That's what you'd tell your best friend, wouldn't you?
Lucille mentioned 'chutzpah' even the sound of it suggests supreme self-confidence. I have looked at my collection of seldom/never worn things to see if there are any that I am simply not wearing because I lack the confidence, and I intend to gradually learn to have more chutzpah. Let's be a bit more daring and not take our clothes too seriously! It won't hurt. Join me?
The interesting question was from Linda who asked in yesterday's comments where our interest in clothes originates. This sent me on a nostalgia trip....which I'll elaborate on tomorrow.
Meanwhile..I am loving these
but they squeak!