After a day of warm hugs with my lovely daughter I had the best ight's slleep I have had for weeks, if not months. Slept right through, no nightmares.
As part of my new Happinesss Project (see yesterday's post) I decided that sleeping better might restore my joie de vivre.
I can get to sleep ok, and I can waken at my preferred time of 7.00. I use an alarm but often waken just before it goes off. But it's the wakening at 3 am that is the problem and for a number of weeks when I did get back to sleep I would have nightmares. Horrible nightmares. This was happening even on my lovely rrelaxing stay on Colonsay.
I had to fix this.
Going to bed earlier didn't help. I already had a nice bedtime routine, my bedroom is calm and lovely, I avoided watching the news before bed. A friend suggested I try a herbal sleep tablet and I used it just three nights and I think I may have broken the pattern.....
But hugs are better!
What works for you?