Here are some of the sites and books which have been most helpful to me in my Live Simply Simply Live adventure.
I look forward to hearing what works for you!
There is an overwhelming amount of information and advice (and utter rubbish) out there, and I am very choosy about my sources
For Simply Eat I read lots of books and looked at lots of websites but these are the 'keepers' which continue to inspire: Zoe Harcombe, Mireille Guiliano and David Servan Schreiber (video here). Harcombe for great recipes and a three meals a day of real food approach, Guiliano for 'joie de vivre' and an emphasis on quality not quantity, and Servan Schreiber for his intelligence and taking the long view.
Under Simply Home and Simply Organise the redoubtable Fly Lady and Marie Kondo have made housekeeping easier and more fun than I could have imagined! Quite an achievement.
Simply Move and Simply Fitter were my greatest challenges but I've found the Scottish Ballet exercise video and Swimming Without Stress (free videos).
Chris Baty makes me laugh and get on with it - I don't know if it changed my life, but it certainly changed my Februaries! See under Simply Write.
Under Live Simply Leo Babauta's Zen Habits and Byron Katie's The Work (the four questions and the turnaround) continue to be useful.
(I realize I have planned far too many links in this one post - forgive me if I add them later in the week......)
Last but at least as important as mentors are the readers of this blog - thoughtful, sensitive, encouraging and inspiring. Generous with ideas, ready with sympathy and kind words - for other commenters as well as for me, I could not do it without you!