A few months ago I came across a 3 day fitness challenge by Goodnick and as it was only 10 minutes a day (the most appealing part) I thought I would give it a try.
Much to my surprise I quite enjoyed it, so I just kept repeating the 3 day programme, and I am so glad I did. Who knew that 10 minutes a day could make a difference to stamina, strength, balance and flexibility! (I expect lots of you knew, but I didn't.)
I had the stamina to walk around 10 miles on our first day in Paris, the strength to carry my suitcase up and down the interminable Metro steps, and the balance and flexibility to navigate the open sided staircase in our apartment and several flights to my bedroom.
Back home I want to navigate public transport, carry my own shopping, push a wheelbarrow and a lawnmower, kneel down and get up again easily and not fall over when I get dressed!
So I'll be keeping up this new habit - I might even increase it to 15 minutes, or hlf an hour..