Have you tried to do your best all your life? Have you worked hard? Have you always done your utmost for your family? Have you considered other people and tried to be helpful? Have you been through some very difficult times and survived? Have you tried to fulfill your potential? Are you politically aware? Do you try to be a good citizen? Do you support good causes? Do you take your responsibilities seriously? Do you strive to make ethical choices? Do you push yourself to be productive? Or creative?
Are you pretty stressed right now?
I wonder, could you just quietly and maybe without telling anyone, cut yourself a bit of slack/give yourself a gap week or month or year/let the world spin without you for a while/step back a bit/switch off - literally and/or metaphorically/go awol and simply watch the world turning and the seasons changing....just until coronavirus runs its course?
Would the sky fall in do you think?
Would anyone even notice?
Just a thought..
PS. Recipe for coffee and walnut cake tomorrow.