Are you kidding? said a voice in my head. The world is in crisis There is violence corruption greed malevolence dishonesty hate victimhood species extinction breaking news (no-one needs breaking news) poverty climate change hunger war strikes uncertainty and chaos!
So am I going to put my life on hold until all these crises are resolved? Maybe I'll hang that on a peg for the moment and look at what I mean by romantic. I also noticed how defensve I feel about choosing this word. My inner critic needs no nourisshing or protection - she's doing just great.
I looked up definitions of romantic. Characterised by the expression of love. No bad thing I should think. Having an idealised view of the world. No harm in seeking an ideal... what would life be like if we did not strive for an ideal? Sentimental. Well, sentiment is feeling and if the feelings are delight and joy bring it on I say.
I don't need a partner to have romance in my life. I don't want a lover, or another husband. But my soul needs some romance! I will spend February exploring , nourishing protecting, (and not apologisng for), my inner romantic.
Will you join me?