I am so fortunate to have space to call my own, filled with things I love and cherish which in turn nourish me. Although confined to it at present (though thankfully I have a garden too) I am liking thinking of it as a cocoon, protecting me, helping me gtow, and making me stronger (my word for the year) for when I can emerge, blinking, into the 'new normality'.
My grandaughter visited a few months ago and sat herself down on the floor with a smile on her face. What are you thinking? I asked her. Happy memories she replied.
I want to have happy memories associated with home in this period too, so I have given it some extra care and loving attention. Outer order, inner calm. Flowers, music, books, candles, a little extra cleaning here and there, a few minor repairs....it's a bit shabby and perhaps a bit spartan, but I do love it.
Have you been sheltering in place? Has it changed the way you feel about your home?