There is still time to do January/beginning of the new year things - refresh, reset, renew, retreat, reinvent, reconsider, revive...
I took a few days retreat to myself after coming back from my trip to the cities. I'm lucky I can plan my own time but if you have a busy life/home/work schedule can you find an hour, an evening. a day or a weekend to have to yourself?
All those re- words! Meaning again. (It's Never Too Late To Start Again is the title of a good book by Julia Cameron).
What needs refeshing? The water in the flower vase? The paintwork? Your memory? My wardrobe needs refreshing.
I wish I could reset my sleep pattern to sleep at the same time as the rest of the world! It would be so convenient. I am working on it. A Wim Hof Breathing Method and Meditation video helped before bed last night
What would you like to reset, and how will you do it?
A subscription? I need to renew the back of the shed and my travel insurance. This is turning into a to-do list! But I don't mean it that way - I am just thinking of it as a prompt for slightly different ways of looking at things. You might also renew your commitment to something. Or to someone.
Since I went on Katrina's marvellous retreat in January 2017 I have realised the value of retreating from the everyday, and intend to explore it even more. (See Katrina's blog here). There are humdreds of types of retreats or you can just invent your own.
Not the wheel please - is there any area in your life where you are doing that? We can reinvent ourselves to a degree. When I found the courage to call myself an artist my life changed. When I stopped calling myself a wimp I got stronger.
Sometimes I have to reconsider what's feasible, or a decision I've made which I am unsure about.
As nature miraculously revives the garden I have to revive my interest in caring for it. Perhaps you would like to revive an old interest - something you loved to do as a child? Something you love that's got crowded out?
Maybe one of these words speaks to you.