The fence between the front garden and the single track road and down the drive has rotted away and I got rid of it before the winter winds demolished it completely. It was the same as this bit which divides the front garden from the back. All the Swedish houses in the row of 12 had these modest picket fences at one time and I like it very much. It suits the house in its rural setting and is suitably simple to my eye.
But..replacing it is going to cost £1000 plus. (This quote is not for the fencing right around the garden but just part of it.)
I think I have 3 choices.
To reinstate the original design. Expensive, not much maintenance required though I should probably avoid letting too many plants grow over it.
To plant a yew hedge instead. It will need cut once a year and is slow growing so will take time to create a sense of enclosure. Considerably cheaper than the fence. Greener. Aesthetically pleasing once established.
To use shrubs and plants as the boundary. I don't have a dog to keep in, or young childresn, and although I want to keep the deer out they can easily jump a hedge or low fence..
What do you think?
I have so enjoyed visualising where you all live. Thank you!
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