I can see that The Macular Society, the RNIB and the NHS are doing wonderful work here in uk on macular degeneration, as are the many researchers and pharmaceutical compamies.
I can see that hospitals are humbling places and I have the greatest respect for the consultants and nurses who deal with distressing emergencies and frightened people with such kindness and respect. I was present when a woman arrived who had woken up that morning completely blind in one eye.
I see that am lucky to be able to do so much research online, listening to experts in stem cell therapy, statisticians who look at world statistics and diet and to conferences around the world - it's fantastic that all this is available to me in a quiet Scottish village. There are also charlatans who prey on desperate people of course, and I have had to learn how to find trustworthy sources of information. It is fascinating.
I can see very well most of the time.
I hope you can see what a support you are to me!
Thank you so much.