Close on the heels of the sadness I feel at the current situation is a vague feeling of guilt.
Especially if I find myself enjoying something! Lying in the hammock, reading philosophy at breakfast, sowing sweet pea seeds. A friend was enjoying the sight of the bluebells near her home until she remembered all those stuck indoors without access to such sights.
It's not logical. (Guilt implies culpability.) Did I start this pandemic? No. Am I doing what my government tells me to do? Yes. Basically they are telling me to keep out of the way, and therein lies the problem. I am left feeling useless and redundant, and guilty at doing nothing.
Lotta wisely decided to swap 'g's guilt for gratitude and I do indeed feel grateful for my very privileged position, and I want not just to feel gratitude but to show it in some way that might help those bearing the brunt of this horrible pandemic.
Ideas please! Talking with friends who are alone, donating to charities whose work is needed more than ever but who have lost sources of income like charity shops are two things I can do, but there must be more....
The beech leaves I picked nearly a week ago have gradually opened their fresh green leaves....