A good question? You know I like a good question.
As for the answer....it's something I will think about over the next few days.
But for today it's back to Fly Lady for me.
I know some of you are fans already of this system for putting your house (and your life) in order. The website is old-fashioned and a bit of a rabbit hole if you are not careful. I don't remember how or when I first came across it, but within a day or two I felt I was more in control of things and within a week I knew this was it, the method I had been looking for, and three months later I was better organised than I had ever been and had dealt - 15 minutes at a time - with every last corner of the house! I was flying (to use Flay Lady's metaphor). It ismy routine place to go for a to a reset to the 'get things done' attitude. Now and then I fotget it for a bit, but I always come back t it, just jumping in where I am at.
If you would like to give it a try here is what I recommend. Go to FlyLady.net, click on Launch Pad, click on Flight Plan and just do what it says. That's it. Simple and easy.