It's ridiculous how happy it makes me when the weather forecast is for a poor day and they get it wrong!
Today was warm and sunny and we sat in the garden and reminisced about the garden at Ashtree Cottage in Wiltshire which we visited many years ago. It was a delicious dream of a garden and Wendy Lauderdale and her husband Len were friendly and hospitable, inviting us to have coffee with them - we talked for hours on a gorgeous rose-scented day just like today. This was where I bought my first plant of erigeron karvinskianus (the daisy shown in the last photograph on this post) which Wendy said 'sprinkled itself about' - a perfect description.
We really didn't imagine then that we would one day open our own garden to visitors.
The forecast for tomorrow is for a good day - I hope they've got it right!